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uMETHOD’s AI software helps doctors assess and reduce risk of falls among patients with cognitive decline

uMETHOD Health is a technology company in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, focused on treating the causes of com­plex diseases.  Its RestoreU METHOD uses patented artificial-intelligence (AI) software to identify the underlying factors that drive someone’s cognitive decline.  This software generates personalized care plans on how to prevent, slow, or even roll-back the progression of cognitive decline.  The software now identifies all the drugs someone may be taking that increase…READ MORE

Leading Alzheimer’s disease expert, Dr. Marwan Sabbagh describes how RestoreU optimizes brain health in Sonora Quest Webinar Series.

Dr. Marwan Sabbagh, an Alzheimer’s disease expert and geriatric neurologist at the Barrow Institute in Phoenix, AZ joined Rob Sherman, product manager at Sonora Quest to discuss how the health care community can help combat the rapid rise of Alzheimer's disease in Arizona using progressive and innovative solutions like RestoreU, offered by uMETHOD Health and Sonora Quest Laboratories. The conversation highlights Dr. Sabbagh's use of RestoreU to improve diagnostic confidence…READ MORE

RestoreU serves as the basis for Pinnacle Care Internal Medicine’s Memory Clinic

Pinnacle Care Internal Medicine’s co-founder, Dr. Ashish Sachdeva recently joined Bob Roth on Health Futures Radio in Phoenix, AZ to discuss COVID-19’s spillover effect on non-COVID patients. “Delayed care, forgone care, missed care. This is going to accumulate over time. The long-term effects from neglecting known and unknown disease diagnosis is going to be immense.” Says Dr. Sachdeva. In the interview, Dr. Sachdeva stresses his concern about the physical and…READ MORE

uMETHOD Health Announces the Release of a Revolutionary Methodology to Help Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease and Cognitive Decline

uMETHOD is excited to announce the release of its breakthrough methodology -- called ExtND METHOD -- designed to finally provide a prevention solution to the over 70 million women and men in the USA at risk of Alzheimer’s disease and cognitive decline. The complexity of treating and preventing cognitive decline due to dozens of biological mechanisms and hundreds of interventions is now made straightforward through the application of uMETHOD’s proprietary…READ MORE

Sonora Quest Laboratories is using A.I. for risk assessment and prevention

Most physicians can assess whether a patient is developing Alzheimer’s disease in five minutes, according to the Alzheimer’s Association. But few general practitioners include the screening in checkups, even though it’s covered as a yearly Medicare benefit. “Honestly, most doctors don’t want to find it,” says Tom Leggett, director of business development for Sonora Quest Laboratories in Tempe. “The uncomfortable truth is when you’re a physician and you find moderate…READ MORE

Phoenix lab uses artificial intelligence to slow, manage Alzheimer’s disease

JANUARY 6, 2020 (KTAR News Photo/Griselda Zetino) PHOENIX — Arizona is projected to have one of the fastest growing rates of Alzheimer’s disease in the country over the next few years, and a clinical lab testing company in the Valley is trying to reverse that. Phoenix-based Sonora Quest Laboratories is working with a tech company called uMETHOD Health to collect patient data through a platform called RestoreU METHOD. The data…READ MORE

Using a Precision-Medicine Platform to Address Polypharmacy in Cognitive Impairment

At the 2019 Alzheimer’s Association International Conference, July 14-18, in Los Angeles, California, uMETHOD Health shared results from an analysis that evaluated the implementation of a precision-medicine platform to create personalized, multidomain care plans for the treatment of dementia and mild Alzheimer disease. The algorithms analyze medication interactions and adverse drug reactions, such as drug-drug interactions, opioid usage, anticholinergic cognitive burden, and depression-inducing drugs, rate them using input from an open-source…READ MORE

Enhancing Medication Management Through the Use of Clinical Decision Support Software Platforms

Polypharmacy is a growing problem in the United States. The use of multiple medications increases the likelihood that a patient will experience potential drug interactions and adverse drug reactions (ADRs). Those individuals with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease (AD) are at greater risk, due to age, comorbidities, and an increased likelihood of being on a greater number of neuroactive medications. ... The results of this work show that older populations have…READ MORE

Arizona leads the way in Alzheimer’s research, new research programs announced during Alzheimer’s Awareness Month

Earlier this year the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) predicted that the burden of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia (ADRD) in the United States is expected to double by 2060. It is predicted that Arizona has the second highest growth-rate of of Alzheimer’s disease, with cases expected to climb to 200,000 by 2025. ... Having multiple Alzheimer’s research centers & programs, some would say Arizona is at the…READ MORE

Precision-medicine platform for mild Alzheimer’s disease and at-risk individuals

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a progressive, neurodegenerative condition in which individuals exhibit memory loss, dementia, and impaired metabolism. Nearly all previous single-domain studies to treat AD have failed, likely because it is a complex disease with multiple underlying drivers contributing to risk, onset, and progression. Keine et al. explored the efficacy of a multidomain therapy approach based on the disease risk factor status specific to individuals with AD diagnosis or…READ MORE