Dr. Walker featured on Healthline

Dr. Walker featured on Healthline

Dr. John Q. Walker, uMETHOD Health’s CTO, was recently quoted in an article for Healthline about a new study to help predict dementia 10 years in advance. The article covers a new Danish study that used genetics to help predict people’s risk of developing dementia 10 years before they would typically be diagnosed. The study found that as we age, our risk of developing dementia or Alzheimer’s disease keeps increasing.

The research team hopes their data will be useful for other researchers who are studying prevention programs for high-risk groups. “Because you have a known genetic risk doesn’t mean you’re going to get Alzheimer’s, but it does add to the sense of urgency about what you do to prevent it,” Dr. Walker stated.

To read the full article, click here.

"Preventative steps may be more realistic than hoping or waiting for a cure"


Dr. David A. Merrill