Florida Doctor Finds a Better Method to Treat Dementia

Florida Doctor Finds a Better Method to Treat Dementia

In February 2022, Dr. Federico Canavosio of Integrative Medical Care (IMC) in Vero Beach, FL started applying a new approach to memory care for patients aged 60 and older. IMC began working with medical AI company uMETHOD Health to deploy RestoreU, an evidence-based care program for patients at risk of developing Alzheimer’s Disease (AD), dementia, or other cognitive issues.

“Cognitive impairment and related dementias are difficult to treat because they are caused by multiple complex factors.” Canavosio explains. It can be challenging to treat these complex conditions, which affect over 55 million people globally. uMETHOD Health provides precision medicine, powered by artificial intelligence, to help him focus on the treatable causes of Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. uMETHOD’s RestoreU provides him and his patients with customized care plans aimed at preserving and even restoring cognitive function and memory.

Board-certified in Geriatric Medicine, Dr. Canavosio believes that uMETHOD’s RestoreU provides a “data-driven approach to patient care” that is uniquely effective for complex diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease. “Instead of treating every patient the same, RestoreU provides an in-depth analysis into the factors associated with their cognitive issues and offers a personalized treatment plan for me to administer to the patient,” he explains. “If patients adhere to their RestoreU care plan, many start seeing the benefits of the treatments within a few weeks.”

In the U.S., about half of those at risk for cognitive impairment due to their age and other risk factors do not undergo a yearly cognitive assessment. Most aren’t aware that Medicare Part B covers these screenings—consisting of a health-history review and a cognitive assessment—as part of their Annual Wellness Visit (AWV). Canavosio provides these screenings, and based on the results, he might order additional laboratory tests to identify signs and treatable causes of disease.

The sophisticated uMETHOD software analyzes these lab results, as well as the patient’s medical history and current medications. It produces precisely-tailored care plans for both patient and clinician. Before they deployed RestoreU for patients with mild cognitive impairment, Canavosio says that “the only option was to prescribe medications that help a little with symptoms. Now, each patient has many options to fix the treatable causes.”

IMC greatly benefits from having Dr. Lorena Heredia on staff. A scientist with expertise in brain health, Heredia finds RestoreU scientifically sound. Personalized plans that are easy to understand enable Canavosio’s patients to make positive changes, such as adding or changing medications, optimizing supplements, improving sleep habits, and exercising. Benefits for overall health and memory are measured in follow-up visits. Frequently, hidden problems are diagnosed and treated early, before they can contribute to cognitive decline. She notes, “we have a lot of data from research that says it’s the right approach.”

Heredia and Canavosio are thrilled to see patients taking charge of their own health. With RestoreU, they’re “active participants” in their care. Canavosio reminds Floridians to prioritize brain health: “Cognitive health is key to your whole life. You can’t live a full and independent life without it. Start by asking a clinician for a cognitive assessment today.

Published in Vero Beach Newsweekly 11.24.22

Instead of treating every patient the same, RestoreU provides an in-depth analysis into the factors associated with their cognitive issues and offers a personalized treatment plan for me to administer to the patient


Dr. Federico Canavosio